Hi Jim What a nicely constructed and informative website-good job. Thanks for including me. regards Del Rey
I hadn't realized I'd subscribed to your site, but I love fingerstyle guitar and can't wait to spend some time on your site learning techniques and songs. I would really like to learn Celtic music, so if you have songs in that style,
please load them up. Best wishes, and thanks!
United States
Checked out your site. Great Stuff! Thanks so much for the hard work you do in putting it on!
Steven M.
Thanks again Jim,
Great video I like your guitar, I think that the Peavy Ecoustic sounds decent. I tried it out yesterday and I really like it, I am planning to make a purchase very soon. And again I'd like to thank you for all of your help.
Josh U.
Thank you sir for the great articles... I learn alot and listen to your greatadvice....... R/ Roger
First let me say that i think your site is great. I am just starting to learn to play the guitar and would like to focus on fingerstyle. I have searched around and cannot find anyone who teaches fingerstyle locally.
The few who do teach guitar, all they want to do is teach a few chords and then try to teach you some songs that you like. Any way, could you recomend any good books or DVD's that teach fingerstyle for someone just learning guitar.
Thank You
Very nice site. Well organized, full of useful information, and well written. Thanks for all the effort!
United States